For years, people have relied on their hearing specialist to program their hearing aid. With more options available now than ever to help meet the specific needs of the individual wearer, it is all the more important to understand the process of how hearing aids are programmed. Being able to take a more in-depth look at the ways that hearing aids are capable of helping people and the process that must be gone through to achieve this level of aid helps people understand the role of technology and medicine in their lives. Let’s take a closer look at how hearing aids are programmed.

What Factors Can Be Adjusted?

With each different hearing aid device comes different abilities to make them customized. Yet, there are some things that just about every device is able to change. These include microphone capabilities to pick up outside sound, volume, intensity, compression ratios in the aid, as well as frequency. Another popular part of hearing aids that can be adjusted by an audiologist is the ability to pick up environmental sounds. Remember that not every device can change all of these aspects.

Processing Time

Most of the digital hearing aids that have been developed within the last ten years have far more customization options than ever before. Back in the old days, if you had a hearing aid, then you could adjust it on your own or use it as it was; there was no way to update the governing software through technology. Now, there are dozens upon dozens of small changes that you can make for your hearing aid that will completely change the way that you look at hearing health. Of course, these adjustments require the expert hands of an audiologist. They will put you through several hearing tests that will tell them the specific needs that you have. While it can be rather trying to complete all of the tests, they are worth it to find your optimal hearing levels. It is important to note that most people have to go back to their hearing professionals after the initial tests simply because they need to have adjustments made after their brain acclimates to the new sound.

Programming Hearing Aids

There are several different tools and means of measurement that a hearing specialist can use to get the best hearing outcomes for an individual. One of the first things that they can do for you is use a microphone probe that can determine which sounds from the environment are able to actually impact your ear drum. Combined with a new form of visual mapping technology, a hearing specialist will be able to see which areas are strengths and which are weaknesses with your hearing device. Then, they will use a variety of different environmental sounds in a simulated environment to find out how your hearing aid reacts in everyday life. After all, your aid is only as good at the way that it can transform your hearing everywhere in your life. With all of these concepts in mind, you can understand how your device is programmed and the ways that it can help give you great hearing.

The site information is for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. To receive personalized advice or treatment, schedule an appointment.
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